  By David Birkbeck (Chief Executive , Design for Homes)
  大卫.伯柯贝克(David Birkbeck)(住宅设计,首席执行官)
  That’s great. But how much did you say the build cost was?
  Innovation in UK house building is condemned to be a prototype or demonstration project while new technology is adopted for a single modest scheme. We need volume to drive down the costs of the best new ideas to make them affordable in every context, but where will volume come from?
  当新技术应用于英国住宅的一个单独的普通设计项目, 创新只能使其成为试验品或示范性工程。我们需要通过量上的扩大以降低新的最佳方案的成本,使其在各种情况下都能够负担得起。但量将从哪里得来呢?
  Government's Sustainable Communities Plan anticipates a growth in housing volumes to reduce house price inflation in economic growth areas. It is expected to deliver about 200,000 homes more than first planned for over the coming decade. The plan expects these and previously anticipated developments to minimise the environmental impact in the host areas that would otherwise come from a sharp increase in car journeys, energy and water consumption Over the decade after 2010 that growth is to be maintained so that the number of homes in towns such as Milton Keynes will double.
  If just 1000 homes from the anticipated programme of 180,000+ homes a year were to adopt the technologies in BedZED, it would stimulate enough through put for the supply chain to be able to slash the costs of replicating BedZED's specification. The premium would then be as low as 15% above Build Regs minimum. All it needs is a dozen local authorities to help foster a ZED development in their domain and Britain would lead Europe in promoting a society powered by renewable energy.
In the interim, this guide unpacks Europe’s benchmark for sustainable development into a catalogue of ideas for a local authority or sustainable developer. It shows how to calculate the value of planning gain needed to level the playing field between standardized house building and the increased costs associated with a ZED scheme. Assuming a local authority appreciates the chance to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability by fostering environmentally sound development and many under Agenda 21 are supposed to be doing just that - the guide details what a standard scheme would have to offer, instead of sustainability to bring its residual land value into line with that afforded by a green scheme.
  This publication comes just weeks into the enquiry by the government's sustainable task force into green building practice. The task force could save itself a lot of energy by considering approaches proposed by this guide. This is the first published toolkit for tackling global warming through more intelligent development, and it is free of hot air.
  Common excuses for resisting change
  Put a planner, a councilor, a developer, a housing association representative, an architect, a contractor, a building component manufacturer and a government officer around the same table, and ask them to discuss if they would adopt Zero fossil Energy Development (ZED) standards for their new-build projects. You might hear some of the following replies:
  1 The developer is likely to say that the increased construction costs of a serious green specification are too expensive when coupled to high land values, particularly in the South East. ln addition, the general public appear to have conservative requirements and do not wish to purchase or rent any kind of innovation that may jeopardize their long term investment.
  2 The housing association person might say land costs are high because they are competing with the private sector to buy land and increased construction costs make affordable homes even harder to deliver than they already are.
  3 The architect may say the client will not ask for a ZED brief in new projects, so that all he can do is to keep designing to existing industry standards, and anyway no-one will pay for the increased design time that comes with innovation.
  4 The planner will probably say the aesthetic does not match local context, and cannot recommend approval. He may also feel uncomfortable about defending a ZED planning brief in an appeal scenario, especially if the site is not owned by a local authority.
  5 The councilor sitting on the local planning sub committee might say that he/she has never heard of sustainable development and that all these green ideas come from central government policies that have no understanding of local issues.
  6 The contractor will say he has never done anything like this before, sourcing all the special components looks difficult, so he is going to risk price his tender return in case he loses money on the fixed price contract that the client has insisted on.
  7 The component manufacturer might respond by pointing out that the company has closely examined the potential for higher standards of environmental performance in its product range, but cannot afford the tooling up costs or research and development unless building regulations require these specifications.
  8 The government officer will support the idea in principle, but will point out that the strong industry lobby against increased regulation, and the lack of initiative and support for environmental innovation. All this makes it too difficult to rapidly introduce legislation for this level of improved energy efficiency and the integration of renewable energy technologies.
  This book takes away the need for excuses. It does this by explaining the principles behind Zero fossil Energy Development, and by providing a 'ZED Toolkit' comprising the 'tools', methods and example case studies used to build ZEDs. Together, the principles and toolkit should make it just as easy to realise a ZED as any other conventional scheme.